Sunday, August 22, 2010

Where to go when you wonder about the world

Do you ever feel that nagging feeling that someone outhere, somewhere, might have the whole picture? That some scientist, some philosopher or some lonely weirdo might have put it all togehter?

I do, often. To be honest, I've thought I put the whole thing together a few times, only to realize a few months later that I didn't anyway.

I go to wikipedia when I wonder about anything. The great thing about Wikipedia is that you can find a lot of text about most issues in the world, even the smallest. The bad thing is that it's really hard to gauge if what you read is what most educated people believe, or if it's just some very narrow weird idea by someone who for some reason had an impact somewhere.

Is there a gospel of reality outthere? I don't think so. In science the closest I've seen was the book Road to Reality by the brilliant Roger Penrose. But in this book there's absolutely no ideas about being human, about existence. It's all about the cold and cool mathematical theories of physics.

On Wired I find extremely interesting articles about everything from tech to modern geek-culture (and lets face it: Todays geek culture is tomorrows popculture. Geeks OWNS!!!). But I don't find existential blogs or articles about existence and the very personal experience of living in this world.

To find those kind of informed opinions is, in fact, extremely hard. It's like there's this huge subject is just ignored. Well, except for crackpot new-age people who all think they've seen the light and know all.

I once tried writing a book that, very not humbly, would tell it all. I wanted to start with everyday experience, describe science, navigate existenialism and finally divide reality into neat pieces that fit together and gave a complete map of what we know, what we guess and what we don't know about reality.
Needless to say the book was never finished. When I was about to write the final chapter, i found my self disagreeing with what I've written in the last 400 pages. Now that's a hard sell if there ever was one. And I couldn't even sell the idea to my self.

But the question remains: Why is there no map of reality anywhere? Why isn't there some rational gospel of all that we know, all that we guess is true and all the stuff that we don't know anything about?

Where do you go for comfort when you wonder about life, the universe and everything? And if you don't ever wonder about those things; what the heck are you doing here ;) ?

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