I will not describe what it feels like. I will not tell you if it is something to be 'felt' at all.
It came to me gradually these last months. Actually, it came to me at once, but I didn't notice the difference. Only slowly did my perception of things change. And I know this: Enlightenment comes in many different forms and you will never find it where you expect to find it.
Ask me.
And I know that we must find different words for these things, for enlightenment is not enlightened, the emptiness is not empty, nor is all all there is. There is no truth, and even that is not true. Any search for anything, will lead to this place: ?
Ask me.
Stop asking. Any answer will always be false. A correct answer will always be false and un-real.
Stop believing. Don't believe words, they are poor imitations and illusions. If you must believe in words, make sure those words are your own, and you will be on your way. And one day you will realize that any way will lead to noway.
Ask me.
Don't ask. It will not help. It will not get you closer to the truth. There is no truth. An answer will bring you further from falseness, but any answer is as good as my answer. And still, to get it, you need to stop trying to get it.
Get it?
Here it is: Just stop.
Get it?
No?. Hmm.. Ok: If there's friction in you, let it go. Friction is anything that you feel, perceive or think. Every word you think, is friction. Stop thinking. Every feeling you have is friction. Let the feeling pass. Every perception must be without concepts: you don't see 'trees', 'people', 'streets'. Just absorb it all.
Get it?
Ok, let's try the conspiracy theory-style: Words are the biggest trap ever. Our animal-minds evolved into something with a new sort of plasticity that could store concepts and manipulate them. And we fell so in love with them that we let them take over our lives. Don't believe me? Ok then: Why do you think about love? Love is a feeling. You can't describe it, ever. You can't even describe the color red. Why do you think about love? Why don't you just show your love? Social convention? Yes - the name of our prison: Social convention. Because ultimately, you entire reality is a social convention and the tool of this prison is words.
Get it?
Hmmm...You are a skeptic and a rationalist and don't believe any of this mumbu-jumbo about 'enlightenment'. I get it. As I said: We need other words for this discussion. It's not about some 'spiritual' enlightenment, it's about stepping out of a shadow of concepts that limits our view of reality. Now, I know you are probably not a relativist. To you there probably is nothing to discuss about gravity, cause it just freaking works. And I don't disagree. My claim is that there is something to be learned from trying to NOT believe in gravity. Or to try to be aware of what beliefs you carry around with you all the time. Cause every one of them is giving you a biased perception of reality. Again, I'm not saying that this very visible reality in front of us is not real, I'm just saying that it is wise to know the assumptions we use when we analyze it.
And, if you succeed in letting go of all your assumptions, in the end, what you will find is something else. Not something mystical. But like your mind space now is a mind space that works with concepts, you will experience another kind of mind space that is above concepts. Here's a parallel: Once mankind had an animal mind, now we have a concept-mind. Do you really believe that mankind is now as evolved as existence can get in the universe? And also, would you not agree that an animal mind can not comprehend a concept-mind? Why should we then be able to explain a higher mind space?